WordPress Plugin CMP-Coming Soon & Maintenance by NiteoThemes is prone to a security bypass vulnerability. Exploiting this issue may allow attackers to perform otherwise restricted actions and subsequently read arbitrary posts, download the plugin's subscribers list or disable the plugin. WordPress Plugin CMP-Coming Soon & Maintenance by NiteoThemes version 3.8.1 is vulnerable; prior versions may also be affected.
Update to plugin version 3.8.2 or latest
Related Vulnerabilities
OpenSSL Missing Release of Memory after Effective Lifetime Vulnerability (CVE-2009-1378)
OpenSSL NULL Pointer Dereference Vulnerability (CVE-2020-1967)
WordPress Plugin Duplicator-WordPress Migration Unspecified Vulnerability (1.1.34)
WordPress Plugin Custom Simple Rss Cross-Site Request Forgery (2.0.6)