Vulnerability Name CVE Severity
CodeIgniter weak encryption key
CRIME SSL/TLS attack CVE-2012-4929
HTTPS connection uses outdated TLS version
HTTPS connection with weak key length
Insecure Transportation Security Protocol Supported (SSLv2)
Insecure Transportation Security Protocol Supported (SSLv3)
Insecure Transportation Security Protocol Supported (TLS 1.0)
Insecure Transportation Security Protocol Supported (TLS 1.1)
Insecure usage of Version 1 UUID/GUID
Oracle JavaServer Faces multiple vulnerabilities CVE-2013-3827
Padding oracle attack
PrimeFaces 5.x Expression Language injection CVE-2017-1000486
SSL/TLS Not Implemented
Telerik.Web.UI.dll Cryptographic Weakness CVE-2017-9248
The DROWN attack (SSLv2 supported) CVE-2016-0800
The FREAK attack CVE-2015-0204
The Heartbleed Bug CVE-2014-0160
The POODLE attack (SSLv3 with CBC cipher suites) CVE-2014-3566
TLS/SSL certificate key size too small
TLS/SSL LOGJAM attack CVE-2015-4000
TLS/SSL Sweet32 attack CVE-2016-2183 CVE-2016-6329
TLS/SSL Weak Cipher Suites
WordPress plugin WPtouch insecure nonce generation