Jenkins 2.393 and earlier, LTS 2.375.3 and earlier creates a temporary file in the default temporary directory with the default permissions for newly created files when uploading a plugin for installation, potentially allowing attackers with access to the Jenkins controller file system to read and write the file before it is used, potentially resulting in arbitrary code execution.
Related Vulnerabilities
CVE-2019-11777 Vulnerability in maven package org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
CVE-2019-10347 Vulnerability in maven package javagh.jenkins:mashup-portlets-plugin
CVE-2019-10460 Vulnerability in maven package org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bitbucket-oauth
CVE-2010-1330 Vulnerability in maven package org.jruby.jcodings:jcodings
CVE-2014-0229 Vulnerability in maven package org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs