Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs.`lassoAppend' function accepts 3 arguments and internally invokes `push` function on the 1st argument specifying array consisting of 2nd and 3rd arguments as `push` call argument. The type of the 1st argument is supposed to be an array, but it's not enforced. This makes it possible to specify any object with a `push` function as the 1st argument, `push` function can be set to any function that can be access via `event.view` (no all such functions can be exploited due to invalid context or signature, but some can, e.g. `console.log`). The issue is that`lassoAppend` doesn't enforce proper types of its arguments. This issue opens various XSS vectors, but exact impact and severity depends on the environment (e.g. Core JS `setImmediate` polyfill basically allows `eval`-like functionality). This issue was patched in 5.23.0.
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