
Fluture-Node is a FP-style HTTP and streaming utils for Node based on Fluture. Using `followRedirects` or `followRedirectsWith` with any of the redirection strategies built into fluture-node 4.0.0 or 4.0.1, paired with a request that includes confidential headers such as Authorization or Cookie, exposes you to a vulnerability where, if the destination server were to redirect the request to a server on a third-party domain, or the same domain over unencrypted HTTP, the headers would be included in the follow-up request and be exposed to the third party, or potential http traffic sniffing. The redirection strategies made available in version 4.0.2 automatically redact confidential headers when a redirect is followed across to another origin. A workaround has been identified by using a custom redirection strategy via the `followRedirectsWith` function. The custom strategy can be based on the new strategies available in fluture-node@4.0.2.



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