cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio is a plugin provides a single and simple interface for accessing fingerprint APIs on both Android 6+ and iOS. In versions prior to 5.0.1 The exported activity `de.niklasmerz.cordova.biometric.BiometricActivity` can cause the app to crash. This vulnerability occurred because the activity didn't handle the case where it is requested with invalid or empty data which results in a crash. Any third party app can constantly call this activity with no permission. A 3rd party app/attacker using event listener can continually stop the app from working and make the victim unable to open it. Version 5.0.1 of the cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio doesn't export the activity anymore and is no longer vulnerable. If you want to fix older versions change the attribute android:exported in plugin.xml to false. Please upgrade to version 5.0.1 as soon as possible.
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