URI.js is a javascript URL mutation library (npm package urijs). In URI.js before version 1.19.4, the hostname can be spoofed by using a backslash (`\`) character followed by an at (`@`) character. If the hostname is used in security decisions, the decision may be incorrect. Depending on library usage and attacker intent, impacts may include allow/block list bypasses, SSRF attacks, open redirects, or other undesired behavior. For example the URL `\` will incorrectly return `` if using an affected version. Patched versions correctly return ``. Patched versions match the behavior of other parsers which implement the WHATWG URL specification, including web browsers and Node's built-in URL class. Version 1.19.4 is patched against all known payload variants. Version 1.19.3 has a partial patch but is still vulnerable to a payload variant.]
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