windows-build-tools is a module for installing C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm. windows-build-tools versions below 1.0.0 download resources over HTTP, which leaves it vulnerable to MITM attacks. It may be possible to cause remote code execution (RCE) by swapping out the requested resources with an attacker controlled copy if the attacker is on the network or positioned in between the user and the remote server.
Related Vulnerabilities
CVE-2020-28052 Vulnerability in maven package org.bouncycastle:bcprov-ext-jdk15on
CVE-2021-3632 Vulnerability in maven package org.keycloak:keycloak-core
CVE-2023-49485 Vulnerability in maven package com.jfinal:jfinal
CVE-2022-36127 Vulnerability in npm package skywalking-backend-js
CVE-2016-6797 Vulnerability in maven package org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core