GitHub Branch Source Plugin connects to a user-specified GitHub API URL (e.g. GitHub Enterprise) as part of form validation and completion (e.g. to verify Scan Credentials are correct). This functionality improperly checked permissions, allowing any user with Overall/Read access to Jenkins to connect to any web server and send credentials with a known ID, thereby possibly capturing them. Additionally, this functionality did not require POST requests be used, thereby allowing the above to be performed without direct access to Jenkins via Cross-Site Request Forgery.
Related Vulnerabilities
CVE-2012-0022 Vulnerability in maven package tomcat:catalina
CVE-2010-5312 Vulnerability in maven package org.webjars:jquery-ui
CVE-2016-6651 Vulnerability in maven package org.cloudfoundry.identity:cloudfoundry-identity-common
CVE-2023-50770 Vulnerability in maven package org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth
CVE-2023-40348 Vulnerability in maven package org.jenkins-ci.plugins:gogs-webhook