A common setup to deploy to gh-pages on every commit via a CI system is to expose a github token to ENV and to use it directly in the auth part of the url. In module versions < 0.9.1 the auth portion of the url is outputted as part of the grunt tasks logging function. If this output is publicly available then the credentials should be considered compromised.
Related Vulnerabilities
CVE-2019-0193 Vulnerability in maven package org.apache.solr:solr-core
CVE-2016-10605 Vulnerability in npm package dalek-browser-ie
CVE-2020-8840 Vulnerability in maven package com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind
CVE-2019-10350 Vulnerability in maven package org.jenkins-ci.plugins:port-allocator
CVE-2019-10755 Vulnerability in maven package org.pac4j:pac4j-saml