Unchecked Buffer in Decompression Functions(Q329048)

Two vulnerabilities exist in the Compressed Folders function: An unchecked buffer exists in the programs that handles the decompressing of files from a zipped file. A security vulnerability results because attempts to open a file with a specially malformed filename contained in a zipped file could possibly result in Windows Explorer failing, or in code of the attacker's choice being run. The decompression function could place a file in a directory that was not the same as, or a child of, the target directory specified by the user as where the decompressed zip files should be placed. This could allow an attacker to put a file in a known location on the users system, such as placing a program in a startup directory Impact of vulnerability: Two vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could run code of attacker's choice Maximum Severity Rating: Moderate Recommendation: Consider applying the patch to affected systems Affected Software: Microsoft Windows 98 with Plus! Pack Microsoft Windows Me Microsoft Windows XP See http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms02-054.mspx