Ubuntu USN-727-1 (network-manager-applet)

The remote host is missing an update to network-manager-applet announced via advisory USN-727-1.
The problem can be corrected by upgrading your system to the following package versions: Ubuntu 7.10: network-manager-gnome 0.6.5-0ubuntu11~7.10.1 Ubuntu 8.04 LTS: network-manager-gnome 0.6.6-0ubuntu3.1 Ubuntu 8.10: network-manager-gnome 0.7~~svn20081020t000444-0ubuntu1.8.10.2 In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the necessary changes. https://secure1.securityspace.com/smysecure/catid.html?in=USN-727-1
It was discovered that network-manager-applet did not properly enforce permissions when responding to dbus requests. A local user could perform dbus queries to view other users' network connection passwords and pre-shared keys. (CVE-2009-0365) It was discovered that network-manager-applet did not properly enforce permissions when responding to dbus modify and delete requests. A local user could use dbus to modify or delete other users' network connections. This issue only applied to Ubuntu 8.10. (CVE-2009-0578)