Please Install the Updated Packages.
Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, xulrunner, seamonkey 15.0 update (bnc#777588)
* MFSA 2012-57/CVE-2012-1970 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
2012-58/CVE-2012-1972/CVE-2012-1973/CVE-2012-1974/CVE-2012-1 975
CVE-2012-1976/CVE-2012-3956/CVE-2012-3957/CVE-2012-3958/CVE- 2012-3959
CVE-2012-3960/CVE-2012-3961/CVE-2012-3962/CVE-2012-3963/CVE- 2012-3964 Use-after-free issues found using Address Sanitizer
* MFSA 2012-59/CVE-2012-1956 (bmo#756719) Location object can be shadowed using Object.defineProperty
* MFSA 2012-60/CVE-2012-3965 (bmo#769108) Escalation of privilege through about:newtab
* MFSA 2012-61/CVE-2012-3966 (bmo#775794, bmo#775793) Memory corruption with bitmap format images with
negative height
* MFSA 2012-62/CVE-2012-3967/CVE-2012-3968 WebGL
use-after-free and memory corruption
* MFSA 2012-63/CVE-2012-3969/CVE-2012-3970 SVG buffer overflow and use-after-free issues
* MFSA 2012-64/CVE-2012-3971 Graphite 2 memory corruption * MFSA 2012-65/CVE-2012-3972 (bmo#746855) Out-of-bounds read in format-number in XSLT
* MFSA 2012-66/CVE-2012-3973 (bmo#757128) HTTPMonitor extension allows for remote debugging without explicit activation
* MFSA 2012-68/CVE-2012-3975 (bmo#770684) DOMParser loads linked resources in extensions when parsing text/html * MFSA 2012-69/CVE-2012-3976 (bmo#768568) Incorrect site SSL certificate data display
* MFSA 2012-70/CVE-2012-3978 (bmo#770429) Location object security checks bypassed by chrome code
* MFSA 2012-72/CVE-2012-3980 (bmo#771859) Web console eval capable of executing chrome-privileged code
- fix HTML5 video crash with GStreamer enabled (bmo#761030) - GStreamer is only used for MP4 (no WebM, OGG)
- updated filelist
- moved browser specific preferences to correct location
MozillaFirefox on openSUSE 12.1, openSUSE 11.4
CVSS Base Score: 10.0
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