SuSE Update for clamav SUSE-SA:2007:033

remote denial of service
Please Install the Updated Packages.
The anti-virus scan engine ClamAV was upgraded to version 0.90.3 to fix several security bugs: - Wrong calculation of buffer-end CVE-2007-3023 - Use strict permissions for temporary files CVE-2007-3024 - Heap corruption causing denial-of-service with corrupted rar archive (no CVE assigned at this time) - Detect block list loop in OLE2 scanner CVE-2007-2650 Updated clamav packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 will be released after Service Pack 1 is released.
clamav on SUSE LINUX 10.1, openSUSE 10.2, SUSE SLES 9, Open Enterprise Server, Novell Linux POS 9