RedHat Update for sysstat RHSA-2011:1005-01

Please Install the Updated Packages.
The sysstat package contains a set of utilities which enable system monitoring of disks, network, and other I/O activity. It was found that the sysstat initscript created a temporary file in an insecure way. A local attacker could use this flaw to create arbitrary files via a symbolic link attack. (CVE-2007-3852) This update fixes the following bugs: * On systems under heavy load, the sadc utility would sometimes output the following error message if a write() call was unable to write all of the requested input: &quot Cannot write data to system activity file: Success.&quot In this updated package, the sadc utility tries to write the remaining input, resolving this issue. (BZ#454617) * On the Itanium architecture, the &quot sar -I&quot command provided incorrect information about the interrupt statistics of the system. With this update, the &quot sar -I&quot command has been disabled for this architecture, preventing this bug. (BZ#468340) * Previously, the &quot iostat -n&quot command used invalid data to create statistics for read and write operations. With this update, the data source for these statistics has been fixed, and the iostat utility now returns correct information. (BZ#484439) * The &quot sar -d&quot command used to output invalid data about block devices. With this update, the sar utility recognizes disk registration and disk overflow statistics properly, and only correct and relevant data is now displayed. (BZ#517490) * Previously, the sar utility set the maximum number of days to be logged in one month too high. Consequently, data from a month was appended to data from the preceding month. With this update, the maximum number of days has been set to 25, and data from a month now correctly replaces data from the preceding month. (BZ#578929) * In previous versions of the iostat utility, the number of NFS mount points was hard-coded. Consequently, various issues occurred while iostat was running and NFS mount points were mounted or unmounted certain values in iostat reports overflowed and some mount points were not reported at all. With this update, iostat properly recognizes when an NFS mount point mounts or unmounts, fixing these issues. (BZ#675058, BZ#706095, BZ#694767) * When a device name was longer than 13 characters, the iostat utility printed a redundant new line character, making its output less readable. This bug has been fixed and now, no extra characters are printed if a long device name occurs in iostat output. (BZ#604637) ... Description truncated, for more information please check the Reference URL
sysstat on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server)