Pidgin XMPP And SILC Protocols Denial of Service Vulnerabilities (Win)

This host is installed with Pidgin and is prone to denial of service vulnerabilities.
Successful exploitation will allow remote attackers to cause the application to crash, denying service to legitimate users. Impact Level: Application
Upgrade to Pidgin version 2.10.1 or later, For updates refer to
Multiplw flaws are due to - An error in the silc_channel_message function in ops.c in the SILC protocol plugin in libpurple, which fails to validate that a piece of text was UTF-8 when receiving various incoming messages. - An error in the XMPP protocol plugin in libpurple, which fails to ensure that the incoming message contained all required fields when receiving various stanzas related to voice and video chat. - An error in the family_feedbag.c in the oscar protocol plugin, which fails to validate that a piece of text was UTF-8 when receiving various incoming messages.
Pidgin versions prior to 2.10.1