Detects Vulnerability in the execution of JSPs outside doc_root.
A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in Oracle JSP releases 1.0.x through 1.1.1 (in
Apache/Jserv). This vulnerability permits access to and execution of unintended JSP files outside the doc_root in Apache/Jserv. For example, accessing will execute b.jsp outside the doc_root instead of a.jsp if there is a b.jsp file in the matching directory.
Further, Jserv Releases 1.0.x - 1.0.2 have additional vulnerability:
Due to a bug in Apache/Jserv path translation, any URL that looks like:
http://host:port/servlets/a.jsp, makes Oracle JSP
execute 'd:\servlets\a.jsp' if such a directory
path actually exists. Thus, a URL virtual path, an actual directory path and the Oracle JSP name
(when using Oracle Apache/JServ) must match for
this potential vulnerability to occur.
Vulnerable systems:
Oracle8i Release 8.1.7, iAS Release version 1.0.2
Oracle JSP, Apache/JServ Releases version 1.0.x - 1.1.1
Upgrade to OJSP Release, available on Oracle Technology Network's OJSP web site.
CVE CVE-2001-0307 -
CVSS Base Score: 7.5
Related Vulnerabilities
- Adobe Flash Player Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - Apr14 (Windows)
- Adobe Acrobat and Reader 'printSeps()' Function Heap Corruption Vulnerability
- Adobe AIR Multiple Vulnerabilities(APSB14-22)-(Windows)
- Adobe Air Multiple Vulnerabilities June-2012 (Windows)
- Adobe Air and Flash Player Multiple Vulnerabilities August-2011 (Windows)