This host is installed with Internet Explorer and is prone to information disclosure vulnerability.
Successful exploitation will allow attackers to gain access to sensitive information that may aid in further attacks.
Impact Level: Application
No solution or patch was made available for at least one year since disclosure of this vulnerability. Likely none will be provided anymore.
General solution options are to upgrade to a newer release, disable respective features, remove the product or replace the product by another one.
The CTimeoutEventList::InsertIntoTimeoutList function in Microsoft mshtml.dll uses a certain pointer value as part of producing Timer ID values for the setTimeout and setInterval methods in VBScript and JScript, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information about the heap memory addresses used by the Internet Explorer application.
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 and prior.
CVE CVE-2010-3886 -
CVSS Base Score: 4.3
Related Vulnerabilities
- CA Gateway Security Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
- Adobe Flash Player/Air Multiple Vulnerabilities -feb10 (Win)
- Avant Browser Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability
- Adobe Flash Player Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities - 01 Feb14 (Linux)
- Apple Safari JavaScript Implementation Information Disclosure Vulnerability (Mac OS X)