Mandriva Update for java-1.6.0-openjdk MDVSA-2012:169 (java-1.6.0-openjdk)

Please Install the Updated Packages.
Multiple security issues were identified and fixed in OpenJDK (icedtea6): * S6631398, CVE-2012-3216: FilePermission improved path checking * S7093490: adjust package access in rmiregistry * S7143535, CVE-2012-5068: ScriptEngine corrected permissions * S7167656, CVE-2012-5077: Multiple Seeders are being created * S7169884, CVE-2012-5073: LogManager checks do not work correctly for sub-types * S7169888, CVE-2012-5075: Narrowing resource definitions in JMX RMI connector * S7172522, CVE-2012-5072: Improve DomainCombiner checking * S7186286, CVE-2012-5081: TLS implementation to better adhere to RFC * S7189103, CVE-2012-5069: Executors needs to maintain state * S7189490: More improvements to DomainCombiner checking * S7189567, CVE-2012-5085: java net obselete protocol * S7192975, CVE-2012-5071: Conditional usage check is wrong * S7195194, CVE-2012-5084: Better data validation for Swing * S7195917, CVE-2012-5086: XMLDecoder parsing at close-time should be improved * S7195919, CVE-2012-5979: (sl) ServiceLoader can throw CCE without needing to create instance * S7198296, CVE-2012-5089: Refactor classloader usage * S7158800: Improve storage of symbol tables * S7158801: Improve VM CompileOnly option * S7158804: Improve config file parsing * S7176337: Additional changes needed for 7158801 fix * S7198606, CVE-2012-4416: Improve VM optimization The updated packages provides icedtea6-1.11.5 which is not vulnerable to these issues.
java-1.6.0-openjdk on Mandriva Linux 2011.0, Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.2