Limbo CMS Multiple Vulnerabilities

The remote web server contains a PHP application that is affected by numerous vulnerabilities. Description : The remote host is running Limbo CMS, a content-management system written in PHP. The remote version of this software is vulnerable to several flaws including : - If register_globals is off and Limbo is configured to use a MySQL backend, then an SQL injection is possible due to improper sanitization of the '_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]' parameter. - The installation path is revealed when the '', '', and '' files are reqeusted when PHP's 'display_errors' setting is enabled. - An XSS attack is possible when the Stats module is used due to improper sanitization of the '_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]' parameter. - Arbitrary PHP files can be retrieved via the 'index2.php' script due to improper sanitation of the 'option' parameter. - An attacker can run arbitrary system commands on the remote system via a combination of the SQL injection and directory transversal attacks.
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