Debian Security Advisory DSA 958-1 (drupal)

The remote host is missing an update to drupal announced via advisory DSA 958-1. Several security related problems have been discovered in drupal, a fully-featured content management/discussion engine. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-3973 Several cross-site scripting vulnerabilities allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML. CVE-2005-3974 When running on PHP5, Drupal does not correctly enforce user privileges, which allows remote attackers to bypass the access user profiles permission. CVE-2005-3975 An interpretation conflict allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via HTML in a file with a GIF or JPEG file extension. The old stable distribution (woody) does not contain drupal packages.
For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in version 4.5.3-5. For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version 4.5.6-1. We recommend that you upgrade your drupal package.