Debian Security Advisory DSA 2200-1 (iceweasel)

The remote host is missing an update to iceweasel announced via advisory DSA 2200-1.
This update for Iceweasel, a web browser based on Firefox, updates the certificate blacklist for several fraudulent HTTPS certificates. More details can be found in a blog posting by Jacob Appelbaum of the Tor project: For the oldstable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in version of the xulrunner source package. For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in version 3.5.16-6. For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 3.5.18-1. For the experimental distribution, this problem has been fixed in version 4.0~rc2-1. We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.