Debian Security Advisory DSA 1782-1 (mplayer)

The remote host is missing an update to mplayer announced via advisory DSA 1782-1.
Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in mplayer, a movie player for Unix-like systems. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems: CVE-2009-0385 It was discovered that watching a malformed 4X movie file could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. CVE-2008-4866 It was discovered that multiple buffer overflows could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. CVE-2008-5616 It was discovered that watching a malformed TwinVQ file could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. For the oldstable distribution (etch), these problems have been fixed in version 1.0~rc1-12etch7. For the stable distribution (lenny), mplayer links against ffmpeg-debian. For the testing distribution (squeeze) and the unstable distribution (sid), mplayer links against ffmpeg-debian. We recommend that you upgrade your mplayer packages.