Debian Security Advisory DSA 1343-2 (file)

The remote host is missing an update to file announced via advisory DSA 1343-2.
The Debian 4.0r1 release contains a file package with the same version number as the last security update (4.17-5etch2), potentially overriding it. This security advisory reissues DSA-1343-1 with a higher version number, to ensure that its changes remain in effect. The changes from Debian 4.0r1 (which fix a minor denial of service issue, CVE-2007-2026) are included as well. For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version 4.17-5etch3. For the unstable distribution (sid), the security vulnerability has been fixed in version 4.21-1. The old stable distribution (sarge) is not affected by the security vulnerability. We recommend that you upgrade your file (4.17-5etch3) package.