Managing and prioritizing vulnerabilities

The vulnerabilities page lists all vulnerabilities identified across your scans. By using the filtering and sorting options, you can quickly identify and prioritize vulnerabilities that require immediate attention. For information about managing vulnerabilities in a scan, refer to Reviewing scan results.

Information available on the vulnerabilities page

The table below describes each of the available fields you can view on the vulnerabilities page.




This column indicates the severity of each vulnerability. The severity can be Critical, High, Medium, Low, or Informational. For further information, refer to What vulnerability classifications does Acunetix use?


The name of each vulnerability identified by Acunetix.


The URL where the vulnerability was identified.


The parameter that Acunetix used to identify the vulnerability.


The status of the vulnerability. The status can be Open, Fixed, Ignored, Rediscovered, False Positive, or Not Open.

Confidence %

This column lists the confidence level, showing how certain Acunetix is of the vulnerability it identified. It can be 100, 95, or 80 percent. For further information, refer to What is the vulnerability confidence rating and why is it important?

Last Seen

This column lists the date and time in which Acunetix identified the vulnerability.

Vulnerability Id

This column lists the identification number assigned by Acunetix to a vulnerability.

Issue Id

This column lists the issue number that you exported to an issue tracker application, such as Jira.


This column lists which type of scans (web or network) identified the vulnerability.

How to change the displayed information

To change which columns are visible, click the columns icon on the right-hand side of the page and select the fields you want to display.

How to sort the data

Once you have your preferred columns displayed, you can sort the data alphabetically based on a particular column. For example, sorting the data by URL puts the table in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order based on the URL.

  1. Hover your cursor over the column name you want to sort by.

  1. Click on the arrow that appears to the right of the column name. When the arrow points up, the data is sorted alphabetically. When the arrow points down, the data is sorted in reverse alphabetical order.

How to filter vulnerabilities

As the number of detected vulnerabilities increases, managing and prioritizing vulnerabilities can become challenging. To simplify this process, vulnerabilities can be filtered based on various criteria such as severity, confidence, business criticality, FQDN, target group, status, archive status, etc. To help you focus on the most critical issues that require immediate attention, apply multiple filters to the list, such as displaying all critical severity vulnerabilities identified on a specific target that is still open.

  1. Click the Filter search bar, then select an option from the displayed list.

  1. Select any related options to further filter vulnerabilities.

  1. Optionally, add more filters by repeating steps 1 and 2. For example, in the image below, the filters selected display vulnerabilities with critical or high severity, a confidence level of 100 percent, and an Open status.

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