HOME / SUPPORT / Deploying AcuSensor for Node.js - Docker

Deploying AcuSensor for Node.js - Docker

AcuSensor Network Prerequisites

AcuSensor makes use of the AcuSensor Bridge. For more information, refer to the AcuSensor Bridge documentation.

The most principled way of deploying AcuSensor in a Docker scenario is to simply layer the AcuSensor modifications onto your already existing container definition. This simple example will demonstrate how you can deploy AcuSensor together with your web application.

There are four steps to these instructions:

  1. Create your Target in Acunetix
  2. Define the web application image
  3. Define the AcuSensor layer image
  4. Test and scan your web application

Supported Servers and Frameworks
Before deploying AcuSensor, note the list of supported servers and frameworks available in the Deploying AcuSensor for Node.js documentation.

Step 1: Create your Target in Acunetix

For this example, we will assume that the URL for your Target is http://acunetixexample.com:60000.

  1. Create a Target in Acunetix with your URL.
  2. Enable AcuSensor on the Target Settings page.
  3. Download the AcuSensor agent file node-acusensor.tar and save this file for use later on.

Step 2: Define the Web Application image

This simple web application will be defined through the following file structure:

  • /testnodejs-docker/
  • /testnodejs-docker/Dockerfile
  • /testnodejs-docker/src/app.js
  • /testnodejs-docker/src/package.json

  1. Create your /testnodejs-docker/Dockerfile file to read as follows:

FROM node:12

#setup the web pages

COPY src/. .

#install npm and dependencies

RUN npm install

  1. Create your /testnodejs-docker/src/app.js file to read as follows:

const app = require('express')();

const port = 60000;

app.get('/', function (req, res) {


  '<html><body>' +

  '<h1>AcuSensor Example for Node.JS</h1>' +

  '<br>' +

  'Hello World! - Main Page' +

  '<br>' +

  '<a href="/page1">Goto Page 1</a>' +




app.get('/page1', function (req, res) {


  '<html><body>' +

  '<h1>AcuSensor Example for Node.JS</h1>' +

  '<br>' +

  'Hello World! - Page 1' +

  '<br>' +

  '<a href="/">Goto Main Page</a>' +




app.listen(port, function(err){

  if (err) console.log(err);

  console.log("Server listening on port: ", port);


  1. Create your /testnodejs-docker/src/package.json file to read as follows:


  "name": "testnodejs-docker",

  "version": "1.0.0",

  "dependencies": {

    "express": "*"



  1. Finally, build the image with:

cd /testnodejs-docker

docker build -t testnodejs-docker .

Step 3: Define the AcuSensor layer image

The AcuSensor layer will be defined through the following file structure:

  • /testnodejs-docker-acusensor/
  • /testnodejs-docker-acusensor/Dockerfile
  • /testnodejs-docker-acusensor/node-acusensor.tar

  1. Copy the node-acusensor.tar file you created in the first step to your Docker host into the /testnodejs-docker-acusensor directory.

  1. Create your /testnodejs-docker-acusensor/Dockerfile file to read as follows:

FROM testnodejs-docker

#setup and install AcuSensor

RUN mkdir /acusensor

COPY node-acusensor.tar /acusensor/node-acusensor.tar

#expose port and launch the app with AcuSensor

EXPOSE 60000

CMD [ "npx", "/acusensor/node-acusensor.tar", "app.js" ] 

  1. Build and run your image with:

cd /testnodejs-docker-acusensor

docker build -t testnodejs-docker-acusensor .

docker run -d -p 60000:60000 --name mytestnodejs testnodejs-docker-acusensor

Step 4: Test and scan your web application

  1. Point your browser to your web application - in this example http://acunetixexample.com:60000 to confirm it is running as intended. You will get the following:

  1. Finally, run a scan on your Target. The Activity panel in the Scan Information will confirm that AcuSensor was detected and used for the scan.


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