Introduction to Discovery

The discovery service enables you to become aware of your web assets, web applications, and online services. With this information, you can conduct a comprehensive security audit and better secure your online presence, continually reducing security threats. This guide explains how discovery works, the information you can view on the Discovery page, and how to use the count icons for quick filtering of your discovery results.

Discovery overview

The discovery service works independently from the Acunetix product. As soon as you activate your Acunetix license, the system begins the discovery process with the master user's email address, immediately suggesting URLs that might also belong to you. It continually scans the entire internet, and once you start adding targets, the system makes new suggestions based on those targets. Acunetix also analyzes your configuration and data to then suggest further websites that might also belong to you.


The Discovery Service will show a maximum of 5000 websites.

The Discovery list

As you use Acunetix, the Discovery page builds a list of candidate websites that you might want to add to your list of targets. This list is updated every time you:

  • Add (or remove) a Target
  • Change one of the flags on the Discovery > Settings page
  • Add an Inclusion to one of the inclusion lists (IP Addresses, Organizations, or Second Level Domains)
  • Add an Exclusion to one of the exclusion lists (IP Addresses, Organizations, Top Level Domains, or Second Level Domains)

Update interval: The list of Discovered websites is updated periodically, with a maximum delay of about 1 hour. 

For more information about configuring the settings used by the Discovery service, refer to Adjusting Discovery Settings, Inclusions, and Exclusions.

Quick filtering from the Discovery list

The Discovery list provides count icons for each Organization, IP Address, Second Level Domain, and Top Level Domain. These count icons are clickable and serve as a shortcut to a filtered view based on the chosen count icon.

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