Using a login sequence with an internal target

When configuring your target settings, the Site Login section allows you to upload a pre-recorded login sequence. This guide explains how to upload an LSR or BLR file to a target in Acunetix. This action specifically relates to login sequences and business logic recordings made using the Acunetix standalone LSR for the purposes of internal site scanning using an internal agent.

Prior to following the steps in the article you need to have:

  1. Installed the Acunetix standalone Login Sequence Recorder
  2. Recorded a login sequence with the Acunetix standalone LSR

Refer to the linked documentation above for more information about these steps.

How to upload a login sequence to a target

  1. On the Target Settings page, enable the Site Login toggle.
  2. Select Use pre-recorded login sequence.
  3. Click the upload icon in the Login Sequence field and select your saved .lsr file. The file will upload automatically.

The next time you scan the target, your uploaded login sequence will be applied during the scan.

How to upload a business logic recording to a target

  1. On the Target Settings page, locate the Business Logic Recorder section and click Import BLR.
  2. Select your saved .blr file. The file will upload automatically.

The next time you scan the target, your uploaded business logic recording will be applied during the scan.

Further information

For more information, refer to the following documentation:

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