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Updating to the latest Acunetix On-Premises build

Acunetix is frequently updated with new features, security checks, improvements, and bug fixes to ensure all customers can scan their web applications for the latest security threats.

By default, Acunetix On-Premises checks for updates and automatically downloads and installs them. However, you can change the update policy to be notified of new product updates and turn off the automatic check for updates. This guide explains how to change the update settings and how to manually update Acunetix On-Premises.

NOTE: Acunetix Online is updated automatically – so you don’t have to lift a finger!


Setting the update policy

There are three options to update Acunetix:

  • Download and install updates automatically (default setting): Acunetix automatically downloads and installs available updates and informs you of the update when complete. Before installing an update, Acunetix waits for any running scans to complete.
  • Notify me of new product updates: If you select this option, Acunetix will notify you of new product updates, and you must manually update Acunetix.
  • Do not automatically check for updates [Not Recommended]: Acunetix does not check updates automatically. To check for updates, you need to go to the About page and click Check For Updates.    

How to change the update policy

  1. Log in to Acunetix.
  2. Select About from the left-side menu.
  3. Click the Update Policy drop-down and select your preferred option.
  4. Click Save.

Updating Acunetix manually

If you have changed the update policy to notify you of new product updates or turned off the automatic check for updates, you will need to manually update Acunetix to receive new features, security checks, and other improvements and bug fixes.

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you back up your database before starting the update process.

How to update Acunetix manually

  1. Click the notification icon to check the update information.
  2. Select Update.
  3. Acunetix informs you that it is updating. Wait for some time, so Acunetix can update the build in the background.

TIP: Close the Acunetix tab and re-launch Acunetix so the update can take effect.

How to check for updates

  1. Log in to Acunetix.
  2. Select About from the left-side menu.
  3. Click Check For Updates.
  4. If a new version is available, a message appears: New build available. Update. 
  5. Select Update to start downloading and installing the latest build.

How to update Acunetix for Linux

The instructions below explain how to run the latest Acunetix installation for Linux directly on the machine running the previous version of Acunetix. The installation will detect the older version and proceed with updating it to the latest version. All your settings will be retained.

  1. Close all instances of Acunetix.
  2. Optionally backup the Acunetix data folder, which includes the Acunetix database and other settings. These are all located in /home/acunetix/.acunetix.
  3. Download the latest Linux version of Acunetix (contact your Customer Success Manager if you do not have the download link).
  4. Open a Terminal Window.
  5. Use chmod to add the executable permissions on the installation file. For example, chmod +x acunetix_24.1.200205121_x64.sh
  6. Run the installation. For example, sudo ./acunetix_24.1.200205121_x64.sh
  7. Review and accept the License Agreement.
  8. Configure the hostname which will be used to access the Acunetix UI.
  9. Provide credentials for the administrative user account. These will be used to access and configure Acunetix.
  10. Proceed with the installation.

Further information

For information about updating Acunetix when using Docker containers, refer to:


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