Which malware scanners are used by Acunetix malware scanning?
Acunetix performs malware scanning for files scanned by Acunetix. Acunetix malware scanning is designed specifically to detect JavaScript malware, which might have been injected into your web application. This can happen when using third-party libraries which might have already been infected, or as a result of a previous hack (during which attackers have injected the malware). Malware scanning is automatically done when doing a full scan, a high risk vulnerabilities scan, or a malware scan.
When installed on Windows, Acunetix automatically uses Windows Defender. This software is already installed with Windows. No additional configuration is required.
When installed on Linux or MacOS, Acunetix uses ClamAV. You need to install ClamAV separately and Acunetix will automatically use it to scan for malware. On older versions of Windows that do not have the Windows Defender malware component, you can also use ClamAV.
Click here for instructions on how to configure Malware Scanning for use with Acunetix.