Running informal PCI DSS Scans

After each completed scan in Acunetix 360, you can download an informal PCI DSS report.


Acunetix 360 provides two approaches for generating PCI DSS compliance reports to assist organizations in assessing their compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Refer to Overview of Official and Informal PCI DSS Compliance Reports for more information.

The informal PCI DSS scan is included as part of scans in Acunetix 360. To learn how to create a new scan, refer to Creating a new scan. Once the scan is complete, you can download the PCI DSS Compliance report. For instructions on how to export the informal PCI DSS report, refer to Exporting informal PCI DSS Compliance report.


Formal PCI DSS scans are available exclusively to Acunetix 360 On-Demand users and for websites configured with the Agent Mode set to Cloud. For details on the differences between the Cloud and Internal Agent Modes, refer to the related documentation.

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