Viewing the HTTP Request and Response of an Issue

An HTTP request includes information that is sent by a client to the website over hypertext transfer protocol when you click a link, submit a button or expand a menu, for example. This information mostly contains the request method, the host address of the target site, the path or the page you requested, and some headers. The server responds to this request, which is referred to as an HTTP response.

How to View the HTTP Request and Response of an Issue in Acunetix 360
  1. Complete the scan, or check that the issue is populated during the scan.
  2. From the main menu, click Issues, then All Issues. The Issues window is displayed.
  3. Select an Issue. The Issue window is displayed.
  4. In the Issue Details panel, click the downward arrow to view more.

  1. Select the Request/Response tab. The screen refreshes, and the Request/Response is displayed. (Alternatively, from the Scans menu, click Recent Scans, then a particular scan, and an issue from that scan.)

  1. Click Go to Highlighted Content to view the output that lets you verify the vulnerability.


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