Integrating Acunetix 360 with the TeamCity Plugin

TeamCity is a build management and CI server that allows users to run automated tests on the server after committing code but before going into production. Teamcity functionality can be extended using our new Acunetix 360 Scan TeamCity plugin.

This topic explains how to use the new Acunetix 360 TeamCity plugin to integrate Acunetix 360 with TeamCity to enable our advanced integration functionality.

For further information, see What Systems Does Acunetix 360 Integrate With?.

Downloading and Installing the TeamCity Plugin

The Acunetix 360 Scan TeamCity plugin is packaged into a jar file called

How to Download and Install the TeamCity Plugin

  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. From the main menu, select Integrations > New Integration > TeamCity.

  1. From the TeamCity Integration page, select Download the plugin, and save the file to a location of your choice. (Alternatively, you can download it from Acunetix 360 Scan.)
  2. Open TeamCity.

  1. From the top menu, select Administration. The Global Settings window is displayed.
  2. From the Plugins List menu, select Upload plugin zip. The Upload add-on dialog is displayed.

  1. Select Choose File.
  2. Select the file you downloaded in a previous step, and select Open to upload it. The Upload Plugin Zip dialog is displayed.
  3. Select Upload.
  4. Finally, enable the uploaded plugin.

Configuring the TeamCity Project

Each TeamCity project has its own configurations. Each configuration has its own build steps. To use the Acunetix 360 Scan task, it must be added as a build step.

How to Configure the TeamCity Project

  1. Open TeamCity. In the Administration window, from the main menu select Acunetix 360. The Acunetix 360 API Settings window is displayed.

  1. In the API Settings section, enter the API credentials: Acunetix 360 Server URL and API Token.
  2. Select Test Connection.
  3. Select Save.
  4. From the Project-related Settings menu, select Projects. The Projects window is displayed.
  5. Select the project to which you want to add the Acunetix 360 Scan plugin. The project window is displayed.

  1. Select Edit Project. The General Settings window is displayed.

  1. Select Create Build Configuration. The Create Build Configuration window is displayed.

  1. Complete the Name, Build Configuration ID, and other fields.
  2. Select Create. The New VCS Root window is displayed.

  1. Complete the setup for the VCS Root, or skip and complete it later.

  1. Select Build Steps and Add build step. The New Build Step window is displayed.

  1. From the Runner type drop-down, select Acunetix 360 Scan.
  1. From the Acunetix 360 Scan build step, select the relevant scan settings.

  1. Select Save.
  2. From the upper-right, select Run to start the build.

Viewing Acunetix 360 Scan Results in TeamCity

Once you have downloaded and installed the plugin, configured the project and run a scan, you can view scans in both TeamCity and Acunetix 360.

For further information, see Scan Results Report.

How to View Acunetix 360 Scan Results in TeamCity

In TeamCity, navigate to a finished build and select Acunetix 360 Report.


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