Excluding Acunetix 360 files from antivirus scans

Some antivirus or anti-malware software can prevent Acunetix 360 (On-Premises) and the Internal Agent component of Acunetix 360 (On-Demand) from working or cause them to run very slowly. To resolve this issue, you can exclude Acunetix 360 files from the antivirus scans by adding them to your antivirus exception list (also known as a 'whitelist'). This allows you to continue utilizing your antivirus software for malware protection and simultaneously use Acunetix 360.  

This article lists the Acunetix 360 files and folders that should be excluded from antivirus, anti-malware, EPP, EDR, or any other protection scanning software you use.

Acunetix 360 files and folders for exclusion

Here are the files and folders to exclude from your antivirus protection scans:

  • All Acunetix 360 folders
  • Acunetix 360 IIS websites
  • Acunetix 360 agents services
  • IIS process (w3wp.exe from System32)

The following are the default file paths, however, these may be different depending on your Acunetix 360 installation:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Web Application
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Authentication Verifier Service
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Authentication Verifier Agent
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Agent
  • Scan data paths on other disk drives that you set on your server
  • Agent scan data folders named Acunetix 360 as a default

For instructions on how to exclude Acunetix 360 files and folders from your antivirus scans, refer to your antivirus vendor's support documentation.

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