Exporting the official PCI DSS Compliance Report
The official PCI DSS Compliance Report provides a detailed summary of your website's adherence to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
NOTE: Acunetix 360 provides two approaches for generating PCI DSS compliance reports to assist organizations in assessing their compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. For more information, refer to the Official and Informal PCI DSS Compliance Reports document. |
How to export the official PCI DSS Compliance report
Follow the steps below to export the official PCI DSS Compliance report:
- In Acunetix 360, select Scans > Recent Scans from the left-side menu.
- Select Report to the right of the relevant scan.
- After the PCI DSS Report has been completed, you will see it appear in the Scan Summary:
- Use the Export button to select the type of report you would like to download.
These are the options:
- Attestation Report: This is the results report. It contains the compliance result.
- Detailed Report: This report contains detailed information about the IP addresses you've scanned and should not be shared with third parties.
- Executive Report: This report determines whether your environment meets the ASV scanning guidelines set by the PCI Security Council.
Your report automatically starts downloading and can be viewed from your default download location.
Resolving Issues
Unable to Download the Report
If you are unable to download the PCI DSS Compliance report, submit a support ticket. Our team will guide you through the process of enabling report downloads.
Results Are Not as Expected
Review our whitelisting documentation to ensure all necessary items are properly whitelisted for PCI scans to function correctly.
Disagreeing with the Findings
If you disagree with the findings from Clone Systems, open a technical support ticket. Our team will assist you in submitting an exception request to Clone Systems.
If the exception is approved by Clone Systems, it will be reflected in subsequent scans.
The PCI Scan Setting Is Not Appearing in the Scan Profile/New Scan View
- Verify the Agent Mode. The website’s Agent Mode must be set to “Cloud,” as PCI Scans are only available for cloud scanners, not internal scanners.
- Confirm that the “Account can create PCI Scan” option is enabled in the account settings. Navigate to the Scan Profile/New Scan settings to check.