Save Hundreds of Hours with Web Security Automation
Acunetix is a complete web application security solution that automates web vulnerability assessment and management. With Acunetix, you can skip the manual process of proving vulnerabilities and focus your time on more challenging opportunities.

Fully Customize Your Acunetix Experience
With Acunetix, you can decide which processes to automate and what you’d like to continue to monitor manually. Even with only partial automation, the Acunetix crawler can offer a complete view of your penetration test targets.

Avoid False Positives
False positives create unnecessary mundane work. Acunetix utilizes advanced scanning technology to confirm vulnerabilities are real and not false positives. That means less time confirming problems manually and freeing up your resources.

Address Vulnerabilities as Soon as They Appear
When it comes to addressing web application vulnerabilities, it’s essential that you have access to results as soon as possible. Acunetix scans are fast, so you can issue them on-demand. Acunetix is available on-premises or via cloud to match your company’s unique web security needs.
Recommended Reading
Learn more about prominent vulnerabilities, keep up with recent product updates, and catch the latest news from Acunetix.

“We use Acunetix as part of our Security in the SDLC and to test code in DEV and SIT before being promoted to Production.”
Kurt Zanzi, Xerox CA-MMIS Information Securtiy Office, Xerox