If you are looking to add a web application security scanner to your set of security solutions, or if you are struggling to get the most out of Veracode, here’s why you should consider Acunetix.

Dynamic Web Application Testing
You need a tool that is focused on your needs. Veracode, like some Veracode competitors (e.g. Checkmarx, Fortify, IBM AppScan Source, and SonarQube), was built from the ground up for use as a static source code analysis tool. Static application security testing (SAST) methodologies test web applications at the code level, are useful for finding vulnerabilities in business logic before an application or an update is released and implemented. However, static analysis tools can fall short if they are not tailored to the language of the application source code (PHP, C# / ASP.NET, Java, Python, and so on), or if an application uses an external framework not supported by the tool. SAST also misses configuration issues, since those do not present themselves until the application is running. In order to identify those vulnerabilities and get a complete picture, you have to complement code analysis with dynamic application security testing (DAST).

Industry-Leading Features
To ensure your web applications can keep your business going at the lowest possible risk of a data breach, your cybersecurity program needs a solution that can identify issues in the OWASP Top 10 and beyond, for any web application.
If your team is concerned about saving time validating false positives, you need a best-in-class dynamic web application security scanner. Since source code analysis tools lack visibility into the actual configuration and runtime behavior of a web application, they can struggle to return only real, exploitable vulnerabilities. On the other hand, Acunetix results contain a minimum of false positives.
Acunetix also excels at mapping out web applications of all types across the entire surface of the application. Its DeepScan technology incorporates a real web browser engine, ensuring that the scanner can find every page and every user input field in the application. That includes the most modern single page applications where the logic runs on the client side with JavaScript; many other dynamic scanners struggle to map these out, but the Acunetix DeepScan technology makes it easy.

Accuracy You Can Depend on
Acunetix features a scan engine that has been re-engineered from the ground up to be the fastest and most accurate on the market. The scanner sees your web applications the way a user would and identifies the vulnerabilities that real-world attackers are targeting. It quickly and efficiently maps out the entire application and returns a full spectrum of vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10 and beyond. That includes input validation vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-site scripting, as well as dangerous configuration errors and the inclusion of out-of-date libraries.

Enhanced Collaboration and Vulnerability Management
Application security testing is a team effort, especially as your business scales and adds more web applications. With Acunetix, sharing information about scan results and improvement over time is easy. With our centralized web interface, people across security, software development, and DevOps teams can view scan results and remediation tasks easily and at a glance, even if they do not have a lifetime of experience with security tools. It is the easiest way for teams to get comfortable with application security and implementing it in your company environment.
Recommended reading
Learn more about prominent vulnerabilities, keep up with recent product updates, and catch the latest news from Acunetix.

“We use Acunetix as part of our Security in the SDLC and to test code in DEV and SIT before being promoted to Production.”
Kurt Zanzi, Xerox CA-MMIS Information Securtiy Office, Xerox