New Tools / Applications
- Subdomain Scanner
- Web Services Scanner
- Web Services Editor
- Reporter Application
General Improvements
- Microsoft WindowsVista Support
- Visual Interface Improvements with new graphics and buttons
- Source View in various parts of the product
- Password protection for all Acunetix Tools and applications
- Upgrading from Previous Versions/Builds keeps all Settings and Configurations
Reporting Improvements
- New Reporter Application
- Detailed Scans View from the Database
- Standard Report Templates: Developer, Executive, Vulnerability
- Scan Comparison Templates
- Statistical Templates: Yearly, Monthly, etc..
- Compliance Reports Templates: PCI, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, etc..
Crawler Improvements
- Manual Choice of Files from the Site Structure
- Directory Recursion (loop) Detection
- URL Rewrite Detection and Warning to User
- Improved Filtering (replacing the old search functionality)
Scanner Improvements
- New Scanning Mode Option: Quick, Heuristic and Full
- Multi-Step Scanning
- Stored XSS Tests
- Header Manipulation
- Improved Blind SQL Injection Tests
- Improved Mod_Rewrite Support
- Improved Filtering (replacing the old search functionality)
- Grouping of Test Variants
- Sitemaps Support
- Added New Vulnerability Tests
Scheduler Improvements
- Support for Web Services Scheduled Scans
- New options for Source and Output of Scans
- Mail Notifications
Command Line Improvements
- New options added to support more functions like the full application
- Web Services Scans
- Mail Notifications
Database Improvements
- Significantly Reduced DB Size by 90%
- New Database Structure (conversion tool available to upgrade from v4 structure)
New Features
Improved XSS testing script. From an alert, clicking on the affected file takes the user to the file in the site structure. This is useful when additional information on the affected file is required (such as the referrers in the case of Broken links, or the source of the web page) DOM XSS alerts will include more information (such as the HTML written for document.write) Improved Code Execution script to find more specific issues and reduce the number of requests performed
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue causing a deadlock. Fixed false positives shown in broken links Fixed some false positives with Script_Source_Code_Disclosure.script Fixed DOM XSS false positives Fixed an issue with Analyze_Parameter_Values script causing the script not to parse relative paths correctly Fixed false positives with Slow HTTP Denial Of Server script