New Features
New Vulnerability Checks
- Export to AWS WAF is now available in all pages which allow WAF Export
- Updated Pre-request scripts, making it easier to update session header value
- Updated the detection of WAFs to support new WAFs
- Increased the detection of development files
- Improved the JavaScript Library Audit checks
- Fixed issue in Paros import
- Fixed issue in scanner causing False Negatives when processing specific pages
- Fixed issue in AWS WAF Export
- Fixed issue in PHP Sensor not being detected when used in a large site with many files
- Fixed issue causing pre-request scripts not to be loaded by scanner
- Fixed 3 issues in Postman imports
- Fixed False Negative in Django Debug Mode vulnerability check
- Fixed issue causing high response times in UI caused by large quantity of Targets configured
- Fixed false positive in "User credentials are sent in clear text" check