Cookie Overdose

One of our customers recently reported that some parts of his site were not properly crawled by our scanner (Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner). Upon investigation, I found the cause of the problem. When a specific page was visited, a cookie with a random name and a large value…

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E-commerce: The Real Cost of Convenience

The e-commerce business has been growing exponentially for the past 10 years. Hundreds of thousands of businesses have moved online and millions of users have taken their shopping to the Internet. During this rush, everyone seems to ignore security, as a concept and requirement. E-commerce…

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The TweetDeck Worm: How it Worked

TweetDeck is a very popular Twitter application (with 23% market share as of June 2009). The application was acquired by Twitter on May 25, 2011. On Wednesday, the user @derGeruhn, exploited a stored XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the TweetDeck application and created a worm…

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