Cyber Security and the Data Protection Act

Records management company Iron Mountain have just published a report on public sector agencies, revealing that around 40% have suffered a data breach. It also noted that information security teams are under-resourced, lacking in the required skills or are performing roles above their grade. Considering…

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Political hacking – the latest cyber threat

Regardless if you believe North Korea were the culprits or not, everyone will acknowledge that since the Sony hack, we’ve all started to take cyber terrorism a little more seriously. You mean they don’t just want financial details and government intelligence? No, that’s right, terrorists…

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Acunetix heading to RSA Conference 2015

This year Acunetix are travelling to San Francisco to participate in the RSA Conference 2015. This week-long conference is annually attended by over 28,000 security professionals, making it the leading information security event in the world. Those attending will be able to meet Acunetix security experts face-to-face…

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Acunetix Voted Readers’ Choice Award Winner

March 10, 2015 – Leading Windows Security resource site,, announced today that Acunetix was selected the winner in the Preferred Web Application Security Solution category of the Readers’ Choice Awards. “Our Readers’ Choice Awards give visitors to our site the opportunity to vote…

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Acunetix deliver talk to OWASP Charlotte Chapter

This Thursday 12 March, Acunetix Technical and QA Engineer Ian Muscat will be delivering a talk to the OWASP Charlotte Chapter. The focus of his talk will be on automated dynamic web application security testing, which is naturally his area of expertise. The talk will…

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