In part 1 of this series, we looked at Installing MySQL Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. In this second part, we will be looking at configuring MySQL securely. LEARN MORE: SQL Injection Scanner LEARN MORE: SQL Injection Attack Configuration We will start off with the most…
Securing MySQL Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS – Installing MySQL, Part 1
Databases can be found in everything from desktop applications, web applications, corporate servers to smartphones and other devices. Almost every software program relies on some sort of database to store its data. As applications continue to grow, so is the amount of data that is…
RedShift Consulting showcase Acunetix at International Cybersecurity Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
RedShift Consulting recently showcased Acunetix at the 2nd NATO Cyber Defense – Smart Defense Projects (CD SDP) Conference and at the 10th International Symposium of National Strategy on cyber security and cyber defense held on 28th and 29th April 2016 respectively, at the Military Academy (Amadora), Lisbon, Portugal. The CD…
Recent survey shows cost of a breach has climbed to $158 per record
A recently published report titled the ‘2016 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis’ has suggested that the average cost of a data breach continues to climb, now reaching an average of $4million per breach, or $158 per record from a survey of 383 companies…
Acunetix to exhibit at the Cyber Security Summit UK 2016
Acunetix is proud to be exhibiting for the first time at the Cyber Security Summit to be held at Crutched Friars, London, UK on the 22nd June 2016. The Cyber Security Summit is the annual go to conference for those who work in, Cybersecurity, ICT, Risk…
Infosecurity Europe 2016 Highlights
The Acunetix team has returned from Olympia, London after exhibiting at the 21st edition of Infosecurity Europe which was held between 7-9 June 2016. Infosecurity is Europe’s number one information security event, featuring the largest and most comprehensive education programme, and over 315 exhibitors showcasing the most diverse…
In the headlines: TeamViewer hack, LinkedIn hack, TrainLink breach and more
TeamViewer hack – PCs hijacked and bank accounts drained TeamViewer, the remote desktop connection software that allows users to share screens and allow remote access from anywhere in the world recently went offline allegedly due to a DOS-attack. Users however, claim that their computers were…
ELSACO Solutions Romania showcase Acunetix at BSDA 2016
Acunetix partners ELSACO Solutions Romania recently partnered with Acunetix to exhibit at the 6th edition of BSDA – Black Sea Defense & Aerospace in Romania. BSDA is one of the largest expos of its kind in Romania and is officially supported by the Romanian Government, Ministry of…
Value of cyber security market set to soar to $6.7billion
It comes as no surprise that the value of the application security market has risen dramatically in the last few years. Simple deduction tells us bigger cyber-attacks = more money spent on cyber defense. However, the latest claim by market analysts is that by 2021,…