The ATARC webinar and panel discussion Organized under the title “Shifting Security Left with DevSecOps,” the joint webinar brought together industry and government experts to talk about the everyday realities of application security efforts in government agencies and the latest tools available to support them….
OWASP Top 10 2021 – what’s new, what’s changed
The 2021 edition of the OWASP Top 10 is finally out*! Let’s have a look at what OWASP introduced/changed in their industry-standard checklist for web application security and let’s compare it with our predictions from last year for the OWASP Top 10 2021. Last but…
Finding and fixing security flaws in third-party software that you don’t have control over
There’s a popular bit of wisdom that says don’t stress over the things in your life that you cannot control. It’s great advice for all of us these days. Still, though, no matter how hard you try, there will be some things that are out…
Should you shift left or not?
Shifting left is now a popular trend in information security. Does that mean that you should hop on the bandwagon and tear your hair out just to shift your security left? No, it does not. Actually, in most cases, if you blindly jump on this…
What is HTTP header injection
The HTTP header injection vulnerability is a web application security term that refers to a situation when the attacker tricks the web application into inserting extra HTTP headers into legitimate HTTP responses. HTTP header injection is a technique that can be used to facilitate malicious…
Web security basics: Is your web application safe?
In our old advertisements, you could often read that 70 percent of websites are hackable. The sad truth is, however, that every website and web application can be hacked, given enough time and resources. What makes a website or web application fall within the 70 percent…
Integrating Acunetix with GitLab for CI/CD
You can integrate your Acunetix Premium account with GitLab for issue management and for CI/CD purposes. This article shows how to configure your GitLab account and how to integrate with it in Acunetix Premium for CI/CD. If you want to know how to integrate with…
What our agreement with TD SYNNEX means for customers
We’ve been busy over the last couple of months finalizing an agreement with TD SYNNEX Corporation to deliver both Acunetix and Netsparker to resellers, and subsequently customers, across North America. TD SYNNEX is a leading provider of distribution, systems design, and integration services for the…
Acunetix by Invicti exhibiting at 2021 Air, Space & Cyber Conference
This year we will be exhibiting at the 2021 Air, Space & Cyber Conference at the Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, Maryland on September 20–22 as Invicti, the company behind Acunetix. The Air, Space & Cyber Conference is the leading professional development event for…