A proper web security audit is a mixture of automated and manual tests; Acunetix WVS provides a comprehensive tool for automated testing purposes and useful toolbox Digicure can use for manual penetration testing as well.  “The most impressive thing about Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner must be how comprehensive the application is. It contains countless features that can be used to discover different kinds of vulnerabilities.” stated Jesper Helbrandt at Digicure.

Also, what’s worse for a consultant than getting stuck at a client with non functioning tools?  “The support of Acunetix WVS must also be praised. They have helped us solve many different issues over time and their responses have always been fast and clear. These are some of the main reasons, why we don’t even consider changing to another web security solution.” Concluded Mr Helbrandt.

Read the full Digicure case study, including requirement details and solutions.


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