On 5th October 2016, DotForce Srl will be hosting an Acunetix Web Partner Meeting – a webinar aimed at gathering Italian Partners to highlight the benefits of joining the Acunetix Partner Program, and enhance their business models for reselling Acunetix solutions.
The session will include a short demo on Acunetix and will cover the following topics:
- About Acunetix – the company, cases studies, main product features & licensing
- Short demo of the on-premises edition / Brief view of the online console
- Partner Program – Benefits and call to action / Business models for reselling Acunetix
At the end of the session there will be a varied quiz. Each participant will be given a Web Vulnerability Report and a free Acunetix Online NFR key.
To register for the webinar vist: http://www.dotforce.it/prodotti/acunetix/acunetix-partner-program-2/
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