HOME / SUPPORT / How do I use Acunetix on a host other than localhost?

How do I use Acunetix on a host other than localhost?

Acunetix on Windows

By default, Acunetix (On-Premises) will install and configure itself to run on localhost, port 3443. This configuration is suitable if you are using Acunetix on your own, however, you will need to adjust this default configuration if you intend on using Acunetix organization-wide.

Fortunately, it’s easy to configure Acunetix to be accessible from another IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), as well as from another port.

During the setup process, you can tick the Allow remote access to Acunetix checkbox to expose options which allow you to customize the hostname or IP address you would like Acunetix to use. If you have already installed Acunetix, simply re-run the setup, you will not lose data or settings you have customized.

Setting-up a Firewall Rule

We will also need to set-up a Windows Firewall Inbound Rule to allow HTTP traffic in on the port we chose (3443 in this case). For additional information on Windows Firewall Rules, refer to Microsoft’s documentation.

Provided the Acunetix certificate authority certificate is installed on the computer accessing Acunetix, that’s all there is to it. You can now access Acunetix with the newly configured IP address or FQDN.

Provided the Acunetix certificate authority certificate is installed on the computer accessing Acunetix, that’s all there is to it. You can now access Acunetix with the newly configured IP address or FQDN.

Acunetix on Linux

The default behaviour of the Linux installer is to always allow use of Acunetix from a different machine. No further configuration is required.

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