The banking sector pays extra attention to web application security due to being a popular target of criminal organizations specializing in cybercrime. Since commercial banks must keep up with the times as much as possible to remain competitive, many of their legacy applications are now…
World software giant selects Acunetix DAST+IAST for SDLC testing
It is a common myth that early testing in the SDLC should be based on SAST and passive IAST tools. This myth has been repeated often by sources that do not follow the developments of web application security and are unaware of the evolution of…
Acunetix Selected as the Best Tool for Sensitive Audits
We have recently asked one of our customers for a review of their experiences with Acunetix. This customer is a group of companies that has more than 80,000 staff worldwide in diverse organizational units. However, due to the sensitive nature of their business (national security),…