Better scan results with CVSS, CVE and CWE

Acunetix includes the classification of vulnerabilities using CVE (Common Vulnerabilities Exposure), CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration) and CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). The table below provides a quick overview of the main differences between the three standards and how they benefit Acunetix users. CVE CWE CVSS…

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Key Web Application Security Metrics

How’s your web application security program measuring up today? If you’re like many people, you’re simply going through the motions of periodic vulnerability scans and problem resolution. It’s a vicious cycle that may or may not be delivering the results you’re looking for. Given all…

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Danger: Open Ports – Trojan is as Trojan does

Open ports are the doorways to your secure perimeter. Behind open ports, there are applications and services listening for inbound packets, waiting for connections from the outside, in order to perform their jobs. Security best practices imply the use of a firewall system that controls…

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The Aftermath of the Heartbleed Bug

The Heartbleed bug, a security flaw in the popular OpenSSL library used for data encryption, has taken the web security world by storm, and the victim toll has started to rise. The first reported victims include the Canada Revenue Agency (with 900 social security numbers…

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Elaborate Ways to Exploit XSS: XSS Proxies

In his book “Web Application Vulnerabilities: Detect, Exploit, Prevent”, Steve Palmer describes XSS Proxies as cross-site scripting exploitation tools that allow attackers to temporarily take control over the victim’s browser. XSS Proxy functions as a web server which takes commands from the attacker via a…

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CSRF and XSS – Brothers in Arms

What is CSRF (XSRF)? Cross-Site Request Forgery is a type of web attack which exploits the trust of a website in the user’s browser. In essence, the attacker manipulates the victim’s browser to send requests in the user’s name to websites that have been visited…

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