It’s usually the simple things in life that create the most problems – we’ve all learned this universal law the hard way. Be it slick tires when driving in the rain, that extra decimal point when doing our taxes, or a bad Ethernet patch cable…
Patching Servers is Not Enough
Patches and vulnerabilities Patches are pieces of code designed to fix ‘bugs’, enable additional functionality or address security flaws in operating systems and applications. Timely installation of patches on web servers and applications is generally recognized as critical to the success of website availability and…
Taking Politics out of the Web Security Equation
Web security is complicated enough. Adding a healthy dose of politics, like what exists in most organizations, often proves to be more than IT professionals can handle. Most problems in life are either financial, health, or people-related. It’s the people part of the equation in…
Why you should be Concerned about Web Security
Ever since the Heartbleed bug disaster, you’d think companies are becoming more vigilant with their web security plan. Recent events seem to show evidence to the contrary, with millions of users’ data left exposed to cyber-attacks on popularly used websites, including a government website and…
Analysis of an Intrusion: Backdoors
The concept of “Backdoor” has seen many interpretations during the relatively short history of the Internet. Microsoft defines Backdoors as “A hidden entrance to a computer system that can be used to bypass security policies”, and, in essence, that is what they are. A Backdoor…
Core Causes of Web Security Risks and What You Can do About Them
Samuel Johnson, an 18th century lexicographer, once said “The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” That’s precisely what we’re seeing with web security today. We get caught up in our day-to-day work and the…
Vulnerable Network Devices: A Growing Concern
Network devices, except maybe firewalls, are not usually perceived as security sensitive assets. Manufacturers and users do not invest time in assessing the security state of routers and switches. IT admins, handling business IT infrastructures, are mainly concerned with uptime when it comes to network…
What You Don’t Know About Web Security CAN Hurt You
How secure is your web environment? You know, your business’ marketing website, your customer-facing web applications, your internal financials application, the various cloud services that process and store business assets, and so on. Many business executives don’t have the slightest idea about the security of…
Build Secure Microsoft .NET Framework Web Apps Free of Vulnerabilities
Do you want the peace of mind that you’re delivering secure code free of vulnerabilities when building applications using the Microsoft .NET framework? Acunetix’s AcuSensor Technology is your answer. The .NET Framework is Microsoft’s comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually…