FREAK first major SSL bug for 2015

If anyone thought that big bugs would end with (a disastrous) 2014, 2015 looks as though it will also cause network admins to fret. The first in the series of BIG bugs for 2015 has just been uncovered. Nicknamed FREAK, this vulnerability breaks SSL, allowing…

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Scanning vs Pen Testing

For those intent on having top notch security measures in place, the question shouldn’t really be ‘automatic or manual pen testing?’ but rather ‘how much of each?’ A web application scanner, used to identify security vulnerabilities in your web applications does not replace an experienced…

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Don’t Let a GHOST Vulnerability Haunt Your Systems

This week a new Linux vulnerability called GHOST (CVE-2015-0235) has been published and subsequently patched, including an update to Acunetix, which can now detect the vulnerability in both its online and on-premises forms. While some cited GHOST as being as dangerous as Shellshock or Heartbleed,…

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